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Ishaan Busireddy
No Perfect Time in American History
In his op-ed titled “When America seemed divided beyond repair, something great came out of it,” ...

Chaz Clifford
Caribbean Currents: Navigating Haiti’s Turbulent Waters
On March 14th, 2024, an article was published in the Trinidad Express Newspapers titled “Caricom should do more for Haiti”. It is a title...

Jacob Houston
About Operation Just Cause
The military actions taken by the United States (US) on the country of Panama on December 20th, 1989 ...

Ryan Beveridge
A Loyal Traitor: General MacArthur as a Romantic Hero
In 1880, General Douglas MacArthur is born the youngest of three brothers in the army barracks of Little Rock, Arkansas ...

Rajyavishek Pradhan
The Decline of American Hegemony
In the middle of the twenty-first century, the general argument that has been debated time and over is the decline of The US Hegemony ...

Natalie Petit
Arms Control: Still at the Top of the Agenda
Arms control agreements strengthen the national security of the United States by maintaining strategic ...

Ishaan Busireddy
Guatemala vs Belize: The Most Preposterous International Court Case of the Century
Nevertheless, one dispute chose a third path. Built upon the ashes of the Mayans during the colonial era...

Jacob Houston
The American Story: The Sioux
The Sioux Native Americans, one of the oldest and continuous Native American tribes in North America, dating back three...

Matthew T. Meaney
The Aztecs: A Society with Great Influence on Modern Culture
An American or other English speaker might walk into a fast food restaurant and order chili, or maybe guacamole...

Ishaan Busireddy
Why Humans Should Pursue Space Colonization?
Space Colonization is the inhabitation, by humans, of celestial bodies other than the Earth. In modern times, humans have been rapidly ...

Jacob Houston
The Twilight of Afghanistan
On April 13th 2021, President Joe Biden of the United States of America, announced the withdrawal of all military troops and personnel ...

Sreya Chadalavada
The Future of COVID Vaccines & Boosters
Nearly 6 months after the vaccine was made available in the US we are still battling the variants of SARS-CoV-2 as we have failed to ...
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