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Poverty and Environmental Degradation
Most countries, mainly developing in the Global South, suffer from both poverty and environmental ...
Varnessa Kayen Varlyngton

Studying the economic development of autonomous regions has gained attention from researchers, policymakers, and economists...
Ahmet Tolga Karabulut

Is Gene Editing Ethical?
Throughout history, revolutionary innovations ranging from agriculture to the internet have altered human being’s bodies ...
Ishaan Busireddy

Should the Death Penalty be Abolished in America?
From the beginning of modern civilization, justice has always been the cornerstone of a successful nation ....
Ananth Thomas

Afghanistan and the future of US conflicts
There is an Afghan Proverb that states, “the world will not find rest by just saying ‘peace’”, while famous ...
Jacob Houston

THE CODEX OF HOMO SAPIEN The Central Nervous System: The Center of It All
On a sunny afternoon on September 3, 1848, 25-year-old Phineas Gage was working on a railroad site near Cavendish ...
Pruthvi Guduru

History of the Car and the Aeroplane
Since ancient times to the 19th century, the primary vehicle of transport and warfare was the horse. Wars had been fought over horses ...
Jacob Houston

The crafty influence of the west over the third world
What is the first world, what is its craft? The first world or the west imitates a bubble of post-colonial theories or an unrealistic ...
Laiba Aamir

Analyzing the dynamics of Saudi-China Relations: A threat to US domination in the World
Zarnab Shaheen The world biggest exporter of Oil, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia holds a great deal of significance on the world map. The...
Zarnab Shaheen

Kakapo: A Chirp of Parrot and Owl
The centaur is a hybrid of man and horse. The Ammit is a hybrid of hippopotamus, crocodile, and lion. The Kakapo Bird ...
Pruthvi Guduru

The Antarctic Campaign in WW2: Operation Tabarin
The Antarctic Campaign of World War II is a lesser known but nevertheless important military ...
Jacob Houston

The Dodo and the Downfall
The Dodo Bird is an extinct creature. It frequently appears in pop culture, from movies like Ice Age 1...
Pruthvi Guduru

The Pandora Papers: Letting Corruption out of the Box
In 2.94 terabytes of data containing 11.9 million leaked documents, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) ...
Sofia Gevorgian

The Vietnam Syndrome
The recent 2021 US withdrawal from the country of Afghanistan has further fueled a debate that has lasted since the US ...
Jacob Houston

Cyberpunk: The Possible Future
Most people associate the term ‘cyberpunk’ by its dystopian definition in science fiction as a futuristic technology-ridden society that is
Jacob Houston

The Dragon and the Rising Sun: The Sino-Japanese Rivalry
Japan is concerned with aggressive Chinese nationalism. It perceives China as a threat to its sovereignty. China on the other hand ...
Shivani Yadav

The Forthcoming Collapse of the Russian Federation
The Russian Federation as we know it today is a multi-ethnic state that looms over Eurasia, just as its predecessors have for the last ...
Ishaan Busireddy
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